Josh Smith
Transparency | Efficiency | Accountability
Meet Josh
I am a sixth generation Utahn, born and raised in Ogden area. After graduating from Weber State University with a degree in Applied Math and Computer Science, I married my sweetheart and moved to the West Kaysville and Layton area where we have raised our two boys and two girls for the last 12 years. Our family is the cornerstone of my life and my motivation for striving to make our community a better place.
I am proud to call this area home and strive to help our community wherever possible. The desire to look for where I can help was cemented from my time serving an LDS mission in Mongolia. I saw a need in our legislature for diverse backgrounds and decided to offer my expertise.
I’ve encountered many intricately complex systems throughout my time as a Software Engineering Manager and know the frustration of dealing with systems that are weighed down by bureaucracy and bandage solutions. I focus on simplifying and streamlining those systems to enhance efficiency and functionality. This role has honed my skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, and leadership, all of which I am ready to use to serve Utah.
From our pioneer beginings to today, Utahns have always prioritzed education. Thanks to the tireless investments of teachers and our communities, Utah is one of the most educated states in the country.
Adequate Funding
School funding comes primarily from property taxes and the state income tax. We need to ensure that education funding doesn’t go away with tax rate decreases and look at other ways we can increase funding for education.
Challenging Curriculum
Every child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. We need to ensure that child of all capacities are challenged to grow and learn.
Support For Educators
Educators are hard working professional that work tirelessly to provide a quality education to our children. The classroom is not a political battleground.
Utah Values
With our strong religious heritage, We understand the importance of freedom to worship according to the dictates of our consciences.
With strong desire to help our neighbors and volunteer in our communities . We want to make sure our communities are safe places for individuals to interact and share experiences.
With the cost of housing doubling in the last decade many Utahn find home ownership out of reach. We need to ensure that Utah is and remains an affordable place for our famlies.
Increase Housing Supply
Because of the 2008 housing crisis, Utah has not been building enough homes to keep up the increased demand. Promote the building of affordable homes along Wasatch Front.
Accessory Dwelling Units
Working with cities we can make it easier to have more accessory dwelling and enable sub-leasing which will make renting cheaper and alleviate some of the housing demand.
Diverse Housing Options
When building communities its important to have a range of housing options so that family can get started with the first homes and move into larger homes as their families expand. It also balances our neighbors with more established household with new ones.
Utah’s economy continues to grow with our unique culture of hard work, dedication to individual and collective success and family values.
Quality Jobs
Ensure Utahns have access to quality jobs that have competitive wages, opportunities for advancement, and support a healthy work-life balance.
Utah brings life to the American Dream when it supports small business and entrepreneurs. We need policies that streamline business creation and support local business. These business enrich our state and make it more enjoyable to live here.
Government by the People
Our leaders are elected to represent all of their constituents. They should care more about good policies then scoring political points or consolidating more power for themselves.
Eliminate Spoiler Effect
Using Ranked Choice and Approval Voting methods. Voters can elect the best candidate regardless of party without worrying the about throwing away their vote.
Non Partisan Primaries
Increase voter participation by allowing voters regardless of party to participate in primaries. Parties no longer need to worry about party hopping and can focus on their platform and building excellent candidates.
Independent Redistricting
People should choose their representatives and districts map should be fairly draw by an independent board. The State legislature are actively attempting to dismantle ballot initiatives to prevent independent district maps. The Utah Supreme Court has upheld Utahns have the right to “alter or reform their government” and that the legislature overstepped their bounds.
“We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology” — Edward Wilson. It is our responsibility to ensure technology is used for the benefit of Humanity
Personal data about ourselves, images, and things we create should be respected and protected from use by governments, artificial intelligence and corporations without our consent or a court order.
Right to Repair
It is unsustainable to replace our appliances and electronic device every few years because of the cost of difficulty in repairing these devices. We should own the products we buy and be able to fix and maintain without them being vendor locked.
Online Safety
Social media and other media online can be used for great good in our society, but has also helped to divide our communities. Social media companies need to be transparent and accountable for their content algorithms. We need to protect ourselves from foreign actors influencing us and protect and safeguard harmful content from our youth.
Principles of Democracy
as stated by Sharon McMahon @sharondaysso
Fair and Free Elections with the Peaceful Transfer of Power
All who are eligible to vote are given access to the ballot without intimidation or discrimination. Elections are conducted transparently. The loser of the election accepts the results and steps aside.
Equality of Persons & Rule of Law
We are a nation of laws, not a nation of men, This means our legal system is not governed by what one leader says, but by the law. This means that all citizens are equal and the law applies equally to everyone, including leaders.
Consent of the Governed and Limited Government
We are a nation by the people and for the people. The power of the government is derived from the people and what the government has the power to do is restricted by law.
Checks and Balances and Separation of Powers
Power is seperated into branches at the National, State and local levels. Each branch has the right and duty to limit the power of the others.
Protection of Civil Rights
Civil rights are guaranteed and protected by the Constitution and federal law. These include the right to vote, the right to be free from discrimination, and more.